Many links!

We do not vouch for the accuracy of any of the sites listed below. Please let us know about any broken links, or about other sites we should be referencing.

Local Democracy

Parish Councils

District Councils

County Council

Both Huntingdonshire District and South Cambs District are part of the county of Cambridgeshire, CCC is our local Transport Authority, and here are some shortcuts to the services it offers:


Cambridgeshire Constabulary:

Police & Crime Commissioner for

If you prefer to contact the police online about a non-urgent matter, Cambridgeshire Constabulary let you Report a crime online, Report a concern, or Report a vehicle collision. If you want to report something anonymously you can report it via the Crimestoppers website or via their hotline on: 0800 555 111.

Flood line

To find out about current flood warnings and alerts, visit, which has a live map allowing you to zoom in on our area.


All links below open in separate windows (or separate tabs, depending on your browser settings). We do not vouch for the accuracy of any of these sites. Please let us know about any broken links, or about other sites we should be referencing.

Education, Religion, local magazines

Online Forums

There is an online discussion group called Touchbase for the residents of the Gransdens and neighbouring villages; at present, it can only be viewed by those who have been registered as members of the group. To join, email your request to, and say where you live. Only residents of Abbotsley, Waresley or one of the Gransdens can join, though for historic reasons some existing members live outside this region. Group members will normally receive an email for every post, but you can opt to receive regular summaries instead - daily or weekly, say.

There is also the Gransden Forum; like Touchbase, you have to register to view the site, and it is open to those in the same four villages. Posts are categorised, and you can be selective about the categories in which you are interested.

Groups and Organisations* in and around The Gransdens

(*those we know about, that have websites!)

There are various local organisations without their own web presence: contact details for some of those were included in the village directory that was on the Great Gransden Parish council website. The directory was removed as is now well out of out of date, but an update is currently (as of August 2021) being produced by the Bluebell Benefice. The Little Gransden village site has information about the Carpet Bowls club.

Village Diary

There is a diary in the Great Gransden village shop, that can be used by event organisers etc to minimise clashes! Please remember to consult it before scheduling an event, and then put an entry in the diary for your date. There is also a diary on Facebook - contact .

Village History

The Gransdens in Wikipedia

Wikipedia has entries for both Great Gransden and Little Gransden., which contain links to the entries for the districts and the county.  There are also entries for various past residents of the villages, including

Let us know of any others! There are also entries for

Other useful/interesting links